In the shopping cart, you will receive an Estimated Delivery Date. Please note that this is not a guaranteed delivery date for your order. Some areas may take longer due to the frequency of deliveries to the delivery pin code. Our system calculates this estimated date considering the total amount of time to process your order including: packaging, transit time to the delivery provider, and transit time to the delivery address.
Order Processing: The amount of time it takes for us to prepare your order for shipping. This typically takes 1 to 2 days however, some orders may ship within as few as 40 minutes and some may take up to 5 days. Transit Time: The amount of time it takes your order to leave our distribution centre and arrive at the local delivery carrier.
We will make 3 delivery attempts for Parcel deliveries. After the 3rd failed attempt at delivery, the package(s) are returned to our warehouse and we will issue a credit for your merchandise only. If you would like to have the merchandise re-delivered, you will be responsible for the re-delivery fee.
Examine your order upon delivery to ensure that there are no visible signs of damaged, missing or incorrect pieces. In the event that there are missing, damaged or incorrect packages, please contact us on within 48 hours of your delivery. For any other problem with your order.